阿宾顿 student-athlete reflects on 'empowering' national NCAA convention

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 student athlete Taylor LaPage

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 senior Taylor LaPage joined the campus athletic director and student athletes and administrators from across the country at the annual NCAA national convention in Phoenix.


阿宾顿,爸爸. ——泰勒·拉佩奇, president of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and a multi-sport player at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, attended the NCAA national convention in Phoenix last month with 艾琳·弗利他是 体育,校内和娱乐

“It was incredible realizing that we can be the voice for student-athletes at such a high level. 我们公开发表意见, 我们被听见了,拉佩奇谈到这次会议时说, which included representatives from all three levels of NCAA athletics. 

“It was not just for coaches and athletic directors. 它是如此以学生为中心, and I got to attend roundtable talks with other Division III student-athletes. We talked about everything from new rules and policies just for DIII schools to our partnership with the Special Olympics,”她说。. 

The four-day annual meeting featured a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) forum that LaPage found particularly impactful. 

”之后, Erin and I discussed the possibility of getting DEI facilitators on campus for national Division III week in April. It would especially be beneficial for our student-athletes since 阿宾顿 is the most diverse campus within Penn State,”她说。. 

LaPage说 she was pleased to see athletic directors from colleges and universities large and small examine issues and legislation from the perspective of a student-athlete. 

“They understand how it affects our student-athletes and our schools, 他们考虑到了这一点. 这非常有力量,”她说. 

LaPage's experience at the national conference confirmed her plan to attend law school after she graduates in May with a bachelor of science degree in psychological and social sciences. 

“It made me realize that this is what I want to be doing when I get older — I want to advocate for student-athletes and women in sports. I love to work with student-athletes, and I would love to be an advocate for women’s sports. I’m someone who wants to be of service to people,”她说。. 

Her drive to support and advocate for others bleeds into her time as a student-athlete at 阿宾顿, LaPage说. 她的主要运动是排球, 她在哪里打右击手, but she has been a member of the tennis and track teams, 太. 

“我会在教练需要我的任何地方上场, and I try to be the best asset I can be to the team and not complain. I like to be the person coaches can go to,”她说。. 

LaPlage’s service mindset pushed her to join SAAC her first year at 阿宾顿, and she quickly moved into leadership roles, 她说.

“Student athletes are such a close-knit group and being an advocate for them is so important to me. Advocating for student-athletes at all levels opens more opportunities for us, and we can voice our concerns as a student body,”她说。. 

在阿宾顿的最后一个学期, LaPage, an honor student and member of 施赖尔荣誉学院, remains enthusiastic about the benefits of being an NCAA Division III student-athlete. 

“We can play competitively in DIII and still focus on our academics. There's been a lot I’ve been able to accomplish academically that I might not have been able to do at another NCAA level. My coaches support academics coming first and finding help if you are struggling,”她说。. 


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